Monday, September 23, 2013


"For everything there is a season, a time for every matter under heaven."  - Ecclesiastes 3

Time is a special gift from God. Before God even created people, He created space and time for us to work and to live. So we live in time defined by revolving planets, moon cycles, and changing seasons. To record and make sense of this time we have clocks, calendars, planners, and schedules. In all these things God gives us beginnings and endings.

And yet, there is no beginning or end to God's existence. With the Lord, one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. We are constantly changing, yet God never changes.
We are slaves to time, but God is a slave to no one. We couldn't be more unlike our unchanging and eternal God.

Thankfully, our unchangeable and eternal God bridged the gap that separated our sinful humanity from His glorious divinity. In the fullness of time He sent forth His one and only Son into our space and time to redeem us and the whole creation. This is the foundation of our faith ... this is the basis for our  hope ... this is the risen reality in which we live and spend our time.

To God be the glory for His wonderful gift of time.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

earth from saturn

A few weeks ago, the Cassini spacecraft flew past Saturn. As it did so, it turned its cameras back toward earth and and snapped pictures of it, just as the Voyager 1 space craft did so in 1990. The image of the earth took about one quarter of a pixel of space on the photograph. Now Cassini-Hyguns has taken a slightly higher resolution photograph in which one can even see the moon along with the earth. But the emotional impact remains much the same....

(for the rest of the article by Dr. Charles Arand, click on the link below ...)
