Summertime is the time for weddings, anniversaries, and reunions. Along with most of you, I'll be attending a number of these this summer. Each one is special and unique in its own way, and yet each one is also the same. For each one reminds us of God's covenant and commitment to His people.
God instituted marriage between a man and a woman with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. It was and is a beautiful picture of God's love and commitment. God loved His people so much and was so committed to them, that even after they strayed and disobeyed, He sent them His own Son to lay down His life for them, so that they might be His forever. As the bridegroom, Jesus has come to redeem His bride, the church. He has claimed His bride as His own, and will come back to take her home to be with Him someday.
This mystery is not something that is distant and far off, but a reality in which all God's people can share. Every time we share in the Lord's Supper together, we celebrate an anniversary. We partake in the Wedding Feast of the Lamb, and we proclaim His death and resurrection until He comes again. And as we celebrate, we look forward to that great family reunion together in heaven someday. It will be the best wedding, anniversary, and reunion you've ever attended - all wrapped up into one! It will be the best party you have ever been to, because it's the one party that will never end.
In the mean time we await with eager anticipation the coming of the Bridegroom on the last day, the day when every knee will bow, and every tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.