Apart from the Lord’s salvific events recorded in the Old and New Testaments, particularly Christ’s birth, death, resurrection, and ascension, “one of the greatest days in history” (says Eugene Klug) was when the Augsburg Confession was first publicly read before the emperor. Martin Luther called the Diet of Augsburg where the Augsburg Confession was read, “the last trumpet before Judgment Day.” The Presentation of the Augsburg Confession 481 years ago changed the world. Arguably, the Presentation of the Augsburg Confession is even more important than when Luther nailed the Ninety-five Theses on the castle door in Wittenberg in 1517.
The Augsburg Confession was read in German on June 25 at 3 p.m. by Chancellor Beyer. He read with a clear, loud voice for nearly two hours. At least seven Electors and Princes of the Holy Roman Empire signed the Augsburg Confession. George of Brandenburg declared, “Rather than deny my God and suffer the Word of God to be taken from me, I will kneel down and have my head struck off.”
The Augsburg Confession continues to be the bold confession of the Lutheran Church, to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.
(from the wmlt blog)
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