A few weeks ago a "lost" painting by Leonardo Da Vinci sold at auction for a record $450 million. The name of the painting? Salvator Mundi - Savior of the World.
Whether the painting is authentic or not is still up for debate - as well as whether or not the buyer overpaid for it. But there is no question about the mesmerizing nature of the painting.
Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World, is dressed in a robe, holding a sphere in one hand and making the sign of peace with the other. And perhaps most striking of all - he is looking straight at the viewer. No sideways glance or downcast look that you might find in other medieval paintings of Christ. No - here He is staring straight ahead - looking directly into the soul.
Although He is indeed very God of very God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, here He simply appears as a man who comes to bring peace to the world. His face is one of humility, gentleness, and compassion. His posture is open and accepting and welcoming - for all people everywhere who might follow Him and believe.
Most medieval paintings of Christ depict Him as a stern judge. Here He is shown as Salvator Mundi - Savior of the World. That's something you just can't put a price on. You might even say it's priceless.
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