Sunday, April 24, 2011


Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!


Herrens Hammare said...

Hope you've had a blessed Easter! Glad to see that there are good Evangelical-Lutherans in the USA! Greetings from one of the first countries to join the reformation (and sadly one of the most secular nations on earth too, theese days) - Sweden!

Pete Lange said...

thank you for the kind words.
yes, there are still a few of us old-fashioned confessional lutherans left. we also have some proud swedish folks here (the ericksons) who are members of our local congregation.
blessings to you in the name of the risen christ -

Herrens Hammare said...

Thanks! Delighted to hear about my countrymen. I've read a few of your articles on the blog and I find them very inspiring. You're a good writer, so you're probably a good preacher too! All the best!